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Woman With Trainer


In order to be compliant with the CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing) act of 2003, all email recipients are required to verify through an email link that they wish to receive emails from our system. This confirmation only needs to happen one time.

Please be aware that different email providers use their own versions of s/w to verify the incoming email compliance with the CAN-SPAM act. Please try not to use a free email account provider (such as AOL, Yahoo, Gmail. Etc) as you may not receive your confirmation email. To make sure that you can receive email from eFitnessMail, add the "efitnessmail.com" domain to your e-mail "safe list". If you notice that you do not receive expected emails from us, please check your "bulk mail" or "junk mail" folders.

Please take a minute to WHITELIST our email before you submit. Read how to whitelist us in your email program...
Code: Please enter in the following code: 7A6YD

NOTE: Please provide a valid Email Address. A Confirmation Email will be sent to your mailbox. If you do not receive an email within 1 hour, please verify your Bulk or Spam Folder for incorrect delivery.


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